Author Topic: "The Essential Tillich" by F. Forrester Church  (Read 42 times)


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"The Essential Tillich" by F. Forrester Church
« on: May 09, 2019, 07:03:08 pm »
So finishing up with "The Essential Tillich" by F. Forrester Church.  I won't pretend that the book was easy to read, it was challenging.  But no one better qualified than Church to anthologize Tillich.

If most people in the US though like Tillich and Church, this would be an entirely different country.  And the I AM A CHRISTIAN INDUSTRY would explode into flames just like the Hindenburg.

So I want to record some stuff from the book:

So Church says that when he came to Harvard Divinity School, there were followers of Tillich, and also of Barth, Bultman, Bonhoeffer, and Brunner.  And I know that there were even more from that generation.

So Church has selected Tillich pieces from:

"The Lost Dimension in Religion", Saturday Evening Post 230, no. 50 June 14, 1958.

Dynamics of Faith

The New Being

"Religious Symbols and Our Knowledge of God", Christian Scholar, Sept 1955

The Eternal Now

Systematic Theology Vol. 1, 2, 3

The Protestant Era

The Socialist Decision

Love Power and Justice

The Courage To Be

The Shaking of the Foundations

Biblical Religion and the Search for the Ultimate Reality

And when talking about relations with other religions, Tillich endorses Karl Barth.

Talking about "Faith and the Dynamics of the Holy", Tillich talks about Rudolph Otto and his book, "The Idea of the Holy".  Otto talks about the "fascinating and shaking character of the holy".

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